
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Rebatching the Whipped Soap

As you could see in my previous post, I made a whipped soap, for the first time, couple of days ago. 

Due to different consistencies of white and pink part of the batch, I wasn't able to mix and swirl them as I intended, so I was not very happy with the result. 

I was afraid how the bar might behave once we use it, because those white pieces didn't look that well incorporated in the rest of the batch.

I figured the bar may crumble to pieces soon after being used for the first time and I didn't want all those precious oils and butters to go to waste, so I decided to rebatch.

My little girl liked how the first batch looked, so I saved a couple of bars for her and grated the rest of them in a big stainless steel pot. 

I put some of the grated soap on the side, to use it as embelishment once the soap is in the mold.

I placed the pot on the stove and I mostly followed the Hot Process Hero by Soap Queen, described in this post, but once the soap got hot and sort of glazed looking I started whipping it with my hand mixer using the slowest speed at first and then increasing it.

At some point I might have got a bit enthousiastic and whipped it too much, cause it got really stiff and started sticking to my whisks, so I had to increase the heat on the stove and let it warm up, then I stirred it with a spatula whipped it slowly with the mixer again. 

I scooped the soap into my sillicon loaf mold using spatula, and hit it against the counter a couple of times to make sure that the soap went to all the corners and try to get the minimum of air pockets in it (I mean, it would be silly to say "get the air out" because we are talking about the whipped soap after all...)

Using a small plastic spoon I rounded the top a bit and then covered it with some soap gratings I kept for that purpose.

I did a zap test with my tongue after I unmolded it and cut the soap and it seamed OK, but I will let it sit for a couple of weeks to harden and dry.

This is how it looks now. Which one did you like better?

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